Monday, October 30, 2006
My Last Post

Hi this is my final post. Well, I have been studying in Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bintang Utara for 6 years. The teachers in that school tought me a lot. I want to say thank you to the teachers from that school for teaching me. From this school i have learn a lot of things. I am happy to be in this school because i can make new friends but it is sad to say goodbye to this school.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 12:06 AM.

Monday, October 02, 2006

A beutiful night,
Many stars were in the sky,
Sparkling in the air.

The moon were in the sky too,
They shone heir brightness,
It was a beautiful night.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 1:34 AM.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Math in english

After a few lesson of maths in english, I am able to understand it. I also found it that it that it is not so hard to do maths. Besides, I have no problems by understanding it. Math in english is fun.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 1:32 AM.

Monday, September 18, 2006
Bully and bullied

I don't agreee that keeping quiet and watching someone being bullied is apart of bullying. I agree that a bully feels powerful when he has friends around him. If I see someone being bullied, I will quickly tell to the diciplin teacher.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 12:43 AM.

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Last Weekend

Last weekend, I visited the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center(KLCC). There was a lot of stall that sell clothes, electrical things and more. My family ad I have our lunch at McDonald. I ate a burger. After having our lunch, we went along the shop in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC). An hour later , we left the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC).

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 8:46 PM.

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Family Name

You got it from your father
It was all he had to give.
So it's yours to use and cherish
For as long as you may live.

If you lost the watch he gave you
It can always be replaced;
But a black mark on your name
Can never be earased

It was clean the day you took it
And a worthy name to bear.
When he got it from his father
There was no dishonor there.

So make sure you guard it wisely
After all is said and done.
You'll be glad the nameis spotless
When you give it to your son.


Based on the poem we should all take care of our family name and we should not do any guilty stuff.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 1:14 AM.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My First Blog

Hi to those who is reading. My name is Ng Wen Yi. My nick name is Nicole. I am 12 years old. I have a brother and a sister. I am the youngest among them. I study in SKSBU at Taman Shamelin. I am from Kuala Lumpur.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 1:54 AM.

NWoF Guild

I want say thank you to the web side of I-petz and BlogSkins. ThankYou.