Monday, October 30, 2006
My Last Post

Hi this is my final post. Well, I have been studying in Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bintang Utara for 6 years. The teachers in that school tought me a lot. I want to say thank you to the teachers from that school for teaching me. From this school i have learn a lot of things. I am happy to be in this school because i can make new friends but it is sad to say goodbye to this school.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 12:06 AM.

Monday, October 02, 2006

A beutiful night,
Many stars were in the sky,
Sparkling in the air.

The moon were in the sky too,
They shone heir brightness,
It was a beautiful night.

nicole lost pride & prejudice on 1:34 AM.

NWoF Guild

I want say thank you to the web side of I-petz and BlogSkins. ThankYou.